Employers Guide: How to Manage Holiday Requests Fairly

holiday requests

As the holiday season approaches, managing leave and holiday requests becomes a key priority for HR teams and managers. While holidays should be a time for joy and relaxation, the process of scheduling can sometimes lead to tension and dissatisfaction if not handled fairly. A transparent and fair approach is crucial to maintaining team morale and ensuring that operations continue smoothly. Here’s how to manage holiday requests fairly while balancing both employee needs and business demands.

Set Clear Policies and Communicate Them Early

A well-defined holiday policy serves as the foundation for fair scheduling. Include details like:

  • How far in advance employees should submit requests.
  • Limits on consecutive days off during peak periods.
  • The process for approving or declining requests.

Distribute these policies at the beginning of the year and remind employees as peak holiday seasons approach. Transparency ensures everyone knows the rules and reduces misunderstandings.

Use a First-Come, First-Served System

One of the simplest ways to manage holiday requests is on a first-come, first-served basis. Encourage employees to submit their requests early to secure their preferred dates. To prevent bottlenecks, set deadlines for submission and communicate decisions promptly.

If employees miss the deadline, explain that their request will be considered based on remaining availability, reinforcing the importance of planning ahead.

Rotate Popular Dates

Certain dates, like Christmas Eve or New Year’s Day, are always in high demand. Rotating these key dates annually among employees ensures everyone has a fair chance to take time off during their preferred holiday. For example, if one employee gets Christmas off this year, they could be prioritised for New Year’s next year.

Be Sensitive to Individual Needs

While fairness is crucial, equity sometimes means accommodating unique circumstances. Employees with young children or those observing religious holidays might have more pressing needs. Create a culture of understanding by allowing employees to explain their situations when submitting requests.

Leverage Technology

Use HR Software such as oneHR to streamline the holiday request process. Many platforms can automate tracking and avoid overlapping requests using pre-set rules. Having an objective and tracked system in place minimises bias and makes approvals more efficient.

Encourage Collaboration Among Employees

Empower teams to work together to resolve scheduling conflicts. For example, employees could swap dates or volunteer to work during less critical times. When employees are part of the solution, they’re more likely to feel satisfied with the outcome.

Balance Fairness with Business Needs

While fairness is important, business priorities must also be considered. Ensure that critical operations are always staffed adequately. Create a matrix that outlines essential roles and avoid approving requests that would leave a gap in coverage.

If too many requests come in for the same period, use criteria like tenure, past holiday approvals, or rotating preferences to make decisions.

Provide Alternatives for Unapproved Requests

When you can’t approve a request, soften the blow by offering alternatives. For instance, consider allowing employees to leave early on the day before a holiday or giving preference for their next request. Showing empathy helps maintain goodwill, even when tough decisions are necessary.

Review and Adjust Your Approach Annually

After the holiday season, obtain feedback from employees about the process. Did they feel the system was fair? Were there any significant issues? Use their input to refine your approach for the following year.

How can oneHR help?

Managing holiday requests doesn’t have to be a source of stress. oneHR provides you with a platform that allows you to manage, track and report upon employee leave requests. With the ability to set lines of reporting and limits for requests within departments, you can ensure that all requests are managed fairly with transparency.

Contact the oneHR team today to learn more.

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Email: contact@onehrsoftware.com

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